draw play

draw playdraw play
  1. As children , these people liked to draw or play with blocks .


  2. I love to draw , play soccer , and going biking , and I also write poems , but only sad ones , lol.


  3. Shall we call it a draw , or play it out ?


  4. You can draw , or play games , or go to pay our water and electricity .


  5. The conclusions we draw can also play a directive role in highway double-arc tunnel construction .


  6. Five times winners Brazil were also handed a tough draw and must play their European cousins Portugal , Africa 's strongest team Ivory Coast and North Korea in the tournament 's trickiest group .


  7. Libras are lifelong learners , Whether it 's how to crochet , draw , or play a song on the piano or guitar , these folks will appreciate the experience of learning from you .


  8. She said she could teach him to draw , write and play the piano .


  9. I 've already done my possible to draw , and please play it in a fashion .


  10. Tap into your inner artist to draw a picture , play an instrument or do a little dance .


  11. By the regression analyze urban and rural consumption with economic growth , we can draw that residents consumption play more important role to improve the economic growth , and to smooth the economic cycle fluctuations the rate of it is larger , the percentage is higher .
